Tuesday, October 29, 2019

USA economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

USA economy - Essay Example of the most important responsibilities of the Fed is to ensure monetary stability in the economy, which can be achieved through a combination of stable prices of goods and services across the economy coupled with a low inflation level and level of confidence of the investors in the currency of the country. The Fed comes out with monetary policy in order to ensure a certain key objectives like delivering price stability with a low inflation level coupled with an objective to support the Government’s economic objectives of growth and employment. To understand how the Fed monitors price related regulations to keep a check on inflation, we may consider a small example of the regulation of house and property prices. To take any decisions related to interest rates keeping in mind the ongoing inflation rate, the Fed must be thorough with the booming property prices and must take steps to ensure that the prices are not artificial. Government intervenes through its central bank to regulate the prices of many commodities, similarly it also regulates the prices of houses like any other important commodity. Fed has the responsibility to keep a check on asset prices including the prices of houses. There can be a number of reasons why the prices of houses may shoot up, like the simple rule of demand and supply has a definite impact. (Demand and Supply for Housing). The central bank sets a fixed interest rate at which it lends money to financial institutions and depending on this interest rate, individual banks and other financial institutions set up their own interest rates, which apply to the whole economy. This step is of indispensable importance to the economy, as this is very widely used to contain inflation. The only purpose behind such a step is just to contain undue inflationary levels prevailing in an economy. The point to be noted here is that, this interest rate set by the Bank of England is so effective and powerful that it chips in greatly to regulate the whole

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Classical Realism In International Politics Essay

The Classical Realism In International Politics Essay Classical Realism is an important theory that defines the international politics relations. Realists see and study the world as it is, and not as how ought to be, as the idealist theory does. From a rational point of view the realists believe that the world is imperfect, as the base, is human nature, as Morgenthau stress is the result of forces inherent in human nature. (1985a:3) This negative human vision is expressed by Robert Gilpin  [1]  in The Richness of the Tradition of Political Realism: realism is founded on a pessimism regarding moral progress and human possibilities. (1986:304) The Realist theory has presented a fundamental unity of though across a span of nearly 2,500 years. Thucydides, Niccolà ² Machiavelli, Carl von Clausewitz, Gilpin and Hans Morgenthau present among others the main thoughts on Classical Realism. (Ned, 2007:53) For realists, states are the principal entities in the study of international political relations. Nation-states are defined according to Hans Morgenthau as an abstraction from a number of individuals who have certain characteristics in common. (1985f:117) This theory understands states are egoists and they only act under their own interests; an interest that is defined by Hans in terms of power. (198a5:5) In addition, this theory emphasizes all states coexist in a system so-called international where the main characteristic is the eternal fight for power due to states only seek their own goals. States reflect this struggle for power in their external policies where diplomacy  [2]  becomes an important manner to resolve conflicts as well as signatures of alliances. For this reason, order, justice and change are the central studies of their writings. (Ned, 2007:53) In the study of politics, Classical Realism accentuates the similarities between domestic and international relations, as the importance role of ethics and community in both fields. Also realists study the international system as principles of order where they help to actors to get their own interests through discourses and identities. According to Thucydides and Morgenthau when those discourses and identities changes, the system changes too, towards modernization and the consequence of this is hegemonic war. As we have seen states are the central subject for realist theory and the internal governments gathered by individuals convert states in rational actors. The authority of any state is leaded therefore, by human ration that will always follow self-interest. Thus national security becomes the biggest preoccupation states have rather it is on the top list of issues, as in the international sphere there is no authority to control other ´s interests. Power and military issues then shape world politics and become a decisive point on Realist theory. The national interest of peace-loving nation can be defined only in terms of national security, and national security must be defined as integrity of the national territory and of its institutions. National security, then, is the irreducible minimum that diplomacy must defend with adequate power without compromise. (Recchia, 2007:541) Furthermore, realists explain that states will act maximizing their own self interests, even if they have to use force. States seek power and they calculate their interests in terms of power, whether as end or as necessary means to a variety of other end. (Viotti and Kauppi, 1998:158) Hence, the struggle for power among states remains central in the international relations too, as Morgenthau stress international politics, like all politics, is a struggle for power (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) power is always the immediate aim. (Viotti and Kauppi, 1998:56-57) Definition of Realpolitik, thus acquire relevant importance for this theory as it refers to power and power politics among states. (Viotti and Kauppi, 1998:59) In fact in the sixteenth century, Machiavelli wrote about state security (that could be seen in terms of power as a way to keep the national power) in his important work, The Prince. However, some authors have criticized his thoughts as immoral, as he understands all acts of the Prince are justified by its ends which seek is to assure the national security: because it is often (for the prince) to operate against his own faith, as well as against charity and humanity, in order to preserve the state. (Recchia, 2007:533) This is the well known raison d ´Ãƒ ©tat where individuals answer to one moral and the sovereignty to another one. Therefore, ethics and politics go separately. By contrast, Morgenthau political theory is opposite to Machiavelli ´s raison d ´Ãƒ ©tat as, he believes in the existence of a universal moral code that ought to guide responsible statecraft. (Recchia, 2007:537) On the other hand, diplomacy is an essential instrument in the maintenance of security, as well as military capacities and power which become indispensable too. Therefore, those capacities are seen as high politics, while others as finance or economics will rest in lower politics. However not for that is less important, as economics moves power and foreign policies were determined by them. FOREIGN POLICY IN THE REALIST THEORY: Hans Morgenthau Hans Morgenthau, the father of the modern realism, in his work Politics among Nations analyzes the same subjects as realism theory does although he will center the attention on national interest and power. This essential book even if it was written during the Cold War  [3]  , is as present as any other work nowadays. Indeed he has been considered one of the most important thinkers in the twentieth century, and has had a big influence on the contemporary thoughts. We will use this work, Politics among Nations in this dissertation as is the principal key to understand the Spanish foreign policy during World War II. Morgenthau as realists do, sees the world as imperfect, where there are constant opponent interests between individuals, and because of this, the international system is in permanent conflict. States as main actors in this international system must be prepared to go to war. The author also, conceives politics as the way to obtain and to maintain power and the way to pursue it. Hence, power becomes the reason for existence, and the international system remains dangerous as states are in persistent conflict. Power is not understood in terms of military force, rather is focused on the psychological influence. There is a clear difference between power as political influence and power as material that could be military force or economics. We consider that his theory can be summarized on the first point of his six main principles: First, politics as society in general is governed by rational laws and they have their roots in human nature, therefore it is possible to develop a theory that could reflect those laws. Realism basically, explains facts and gives meaning to them inside the international sphere. The main indicator of Realism is the concept of interest which is defined in terms of power which is recognized universally and necessary in the study of international politics. (Morgenthau, 1985a:5) Behind states, statesmen will act under their own interests thinking with rationality therefore realism stresses rationality and objectivity. But the other face of interest is that it can control men: interests (material and ideal), not ideas, dominate directly the actions of men. (Morgenthau, 1985a:11) For international relations, the study of acts taken by statesmen is crucial. Therefore, international politics could be seen as the actions between states, understood as foreign policies. Morgenthau in the second principle understands as good foreign policy those that are made in the correct moment and with rationality. Foreign policy ought to be rational in view of its own moral and practical purposes. (Morgenthau, 1985a:10) It will be successful when the risks will be minimizes and maximizes the benefits. On the other hand, the concept of power is indispensable for international politics. Power is understood as, anything that establishes and maintains the control of man over man. (Morgenthau: 1985a:11) As we have seen before, nation-states will act in terms of power, in terms of domination. Therefore, balance of power is present in the international society, as states will act to change power or maintaining it. Another principle regards morality aware the international politics. It means that it can not be applied to states the same moral principles as it is done on humans. The individual may say for himself, fiat justitia, pereat mundus (let justice be done, even if the world perish), but the state has no right to say so in the name of those whose are in its care. (Morgenthau: 1985a:12) Hence, realism refuses to identify moral aspirations of one nation with moral universal principles. This German thinker understands as foreign policy the external actions states pursue in the international system where the core is the national self-interest and power. Below we will study the three main principles that Morgenthau wrote on his work considered essentials for this case-study. 2.1 National-Interest National interest is the key concept for Realism in the understanding of foreign policy. In the study of the national interest, Hans Morgenthau becomes one of the most important thinkers being the maxim authority in this subject, not only because he presents the main study with his work (cited before) also because he creates almost a scientific theory. According to him national interest refers to the essence of politics. The idea of interest is indeed of the essence of politics and is unaffected by the circumstances of time and place. Interest is the perennial standard by which political action must be judged. Yet the kind of interest determining political action in a particular period of history depends upon the political and cultural context within foreign policy is formulated. (1985a:8-9) Other authors as Osgood, defines national interest as a state of affairs valued solely for its benefits to the nation. (Gonzalez, 8) Contrary to realism, he defines this concept as an egoist behavior states normally take. For Frankel, national interest is defined as the general and permanent ends why a nation acts. (Rubio, 64) Also, Marshall says national interest refers to the political objectives upper internal and political controversies. It means the maintenance of peace, the preservation of security and the national protection in the international sphere. (Rubio, 64-65) Therefore, states will take foreign policies acting and thinking on their own objectives and on their own interests without having in consideration other states necessities. However nations will be limited in their actions by the behavior of the rest of states, the freedom of choice of any one state is limited by the actions of all the others. (Viotti and Kauppi, 1998:73). On the other hand, Thomas W. Robinson  [4]  does a classification about the different national interests exist through the analyses of Hans ´s Morgenthau work. (Gonzà ¡lez, 23) He says first, states will defend primary necessities: the physical, political and cultural identity of the nation, as well as, the survival of the state fronts any external aggression. The second interest refers to individuals and diplomats based on their protection and security. It is important to explain according to Hans, that the kind of interest will be determined by the political and cultural context. (Morgenthau, 1985a) 2.2 The importance of power Contrary to other thinkers, Morgenthau stresses states interest is in terms of power: The main signpost that helps political realism to find its way through the landscape of international politics is the concept of interest defined in terms of power.(Morgenthau, 1985a:5). Hence, power becomes the second essential key for Realism theory in the international field. States will act according their own interests as statesmen think and act in terms of interest defined as power. (Morgenthau, 1985a:5) Therefore, states leaded by statesmen pursue power. Hans will show in his work three ways for the struggle of power, but we will study only two: the maintenance of power and the increment of this. This importance of power will be essential to explain later the Spanish foreign policy during World War II.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Every Grain of sand Essays -- essays research papers

poem tells a story within its words, even if it is not directly stated. Nearly every word and phrase in a poem, and even its punctuation has a meaning and a message that the author is trying to send across to the reading or listening audience. Not always is it easy to immediately understand what the poet is trying to say, but within the words and punctuation, over time and with analysis, interpretation is possible. Poetry is a group of so many words that a poet carefully chooses to show certain meaning. The song â€Å" Every Grain of Sand† that is written by Bob Dylan deserves to be called poetry because of his careful use of tone, symbolism, allusion, simile and enjambments. Tone is an important part of poetry. It sets the mood of the piece and gives the audience a sense of what is going on and how the narrator feels. In â€Å" Every Grain of Sand† the tone is one of sadness and depression. There is a certain desperate tone in the poem, as the narrator looks for help in â€Å"the hour of [their] deepest need.† This is evident in the first and second lines of the first stanza when it is written †In the time of my confession, in the hour of my deepest need / When pool of tears beneath my feet flood every newborn seed.† The â€Å"time of confession† sets a solemn tone, for when a person is confessing it is usually a quiet, personal, and regretful time. This sad emotion that the tone sets is further emphasized when the author uses words and phrases like â€Å"sorrow of Night,† â€Å"violence†, â€Å"chill†, â€Å"bitter†, â€Å"loneliness† and â€Å"broken mirror of innocence.† These all set a mood of sadness, anger, bitterness, hatred and darkness that the narrator feels in his hour of need, as they carry the burden, or the â€Å"chains,† of their past mistakes. Although most of the poem keeps with a sad tone, the tone shifts slightly. Line fifteen says â€Å" Then onward on my journey I come to understand...† This line shows that he is slowly on his way, realizing things he perhaps did not at first. Symbolism is another important poetic device that is used throughout this poem. One’s entire understanding of the poem relies upon their understanding of the symbols applied. Bob Dylan uses symbolism on numerous occasions throughout his song â€Å" Every Grain of Sand†. In the line â€Å" When the pool of tears beneath my feet flood every newborn seed,†(1. 2) Dylan uses the flooding of the newborn seed to represent how the tears ... ...f Sand† create a feeling of searching for something, especially at the beginning. The first enjambment is in the first three lines of the poem, where the speaker is just trying to explain how he feels, and continues talking, without taking any breaths. The second stanza also includes enjambment, showing that there was a little bit of a realization that is some one to help in times of need, or a thought going on. In the fifth stanza there are not any enjambments. This shows that the speaker is thinking about each thing that he has experienced, the punctuation shows him pausing after each thought. Having enjambments in a poem gives a new feeling and possibly a new meaning. Bob Dylan’s use of effective tone, symbolism, allusion, similes, and enjambments in his song â€Å"Every Grain of Sand† is reason enough for it to be considered poetic. Although it is rhythmic, the piece flows for the many other reasons we’ve explored. It has deep and hidden meanings that are left to the audience’s interpretation, and it uses expressive language to tell its story. Songs, therefore, can be poetic if they include all the right elements. work Cited http:// www.findlyrics.com/song/d/Dylan_Bob/10766.html

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Book Review – Simply Jesus

We can go about Sunday after Sunday worshipping the Lord Jesus and praying out to him in our own ways but at the end of the day, are we ready to deal with the challenges of the â€Å"real life†? Would we question ourselves on the reality of Jesus' existence? â€Å"With Jesus, Its easy to be complicated and hard to be simple†, described the author. And it is so true that with our Limited ability to fully comprehend the works of Christ Jesus, he becomes rather â€Å"under-utilized†, grossly under-valued with Its full potential nowhere near realized. The gospels, like his computer, have every right to feel restated, says the author.Jesus, though he was actually king, did not come fully recognizable as â€Å"the king†, so that his believers need to â€Å"exercise faith† in believing that Jesus is indeed the real king through all his miraculous works! Jesus is unavoidable. But he is also deeply mysterious. While we know so much about Jesus, yet there Is only so little that we really understood of him. Jesus puzzled people then, and he puzzles us till this day! Firstly, we know that Jesus' world was a strange, foreign country. Those days the people then thought differently. They coked at the world differently in cultural habits, practices and lifestyle.Secondly, Jesus' God seem to strange to us! There are so many â€Å"gods† from some of the world's great religions that it is not sufficient Just to ask, â€Å"Do you believe? † but to also ask, â€Å"Which god dowdy believe In? â€Å". We need to get Inside Jesus' world and try to catch a glimpse of what he meant when he spoke of God. Only then, we can begin to look Into think you were allowed to do, and he explained them by saying he had the right to do them! Of course, with all that said, Jesus didn't have â€Å"authority' over us. Nevertheless, the right to â€Å"choose† still lies in our hands today.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Decision-Making Process Paper Essay

My name is Jovon Roberson, I will be discussing my decision making process. I will try to supply research supporting my ideas. The paper will describe some steps of my process. I will compare some similarity to the text, and explain how some of the steps might be different. Most decisions people make in their life time will definitely be easy and some maybe very difficult. I truly believe that each individual is in control of their own destiny and in complete control of the decisions they have to make in their life time. My decision to start school was clearly decided right after I was terminated from my job. I was ill at the time and desperately needed to file for the family medical leave of absence so my job would not be in jeopardy, but that was a total loss. Once terminated I clearly had to make some important decisions about the future of my son and I, while thinking long and hard about how I was going to make ends meet. I had a discussion with one of my best friends and I came to the grips that I needed more than what I was getting and this really was my only option going to school. My steps are somewhat different from the ones in the text, but it is clear they there were important steps to take while making my decision to go back to school and I really believe it was one of the best decision I could have made. My decisions would have been different very different but in reality the the steps in the text provided more proper steps and they would have been a more thought out process for me butat the same time my decision would have been the same. It would have been precise, more thought out some plans would have been setup, and short term goals would have been set, long term goals would have been into play and set as well. More thought would have been there to back everything up not just the goals set in my head they would have been on paper in black and white. I would have been better prepared for all my future intents. People gather and evaluate information when they face major decisions or milestones in their lives. The internet has become a more important source of information as people gain experience and as they embrace broadband (Copyright 2012 Pew Internet & American Life Project). In this paper I have discussed some similarity to the text, and explain how some of the steps might be different. The decisions people make in their life time will definitely be easy and some maybe very difficult and how I truly believe that each individual is in control of their own destiny and in complete control of the decisions they have to make in their life time. I hope I have covered everything in this paper that you have asked for. I thank you for your attention and your time. References: Copyright 2012 Pew Internet & American Life Project http://pewinternet.org/Topics/Activities-and-Pursuits/Decision-Making.aspx?typeFilter=5

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Berkelium Element Facts - Atomic Number 97 or Bk

Berkelium Element Facts - Atomic Number 97 or Bk Berkelium is one of the radioactive synthetic elements made in the cyclotron at Berkeley, California and the one that honors the work of this lab by bearing its name. It was the fifth transuranium element discovered (following neptunium, plutonium, curium, and americium). Heres a collection of facts about element 97 or Bk, including its history and properties: Element Name Berkelium Atomic Number 97 Element Symbol Bk Atomic Weight 247.0703 Berkelium Discovery Glenn T. Seaborg, Stanley G. Thompson, Kenneth Street, Jr., and Albert Ghiorso produced berkelium in December, 1949 at the University of California, Berkeley (United States). The scientists bombarded americium-241 with alpha particles in a cyclotron to yield berkelium-243 and two free neutrons. Berkelium Properties Such a small quantity of this element has been produced that very little is known about its properties. Most of the available information is based on predicted properties, based on the elements location on the periodic table. It is a paramagnetic metal and has one of the lowest bulk modulus  values of the actinides. Bk3 ions are fluorescent at 652 nanometers (red) and 742 nanometers (deep red). Under ordinary conditions, berkelium metal assumes hexagonal symmetry, transforming to a face-centered cubic structure under pressure at room temperature, and an orthorhombic structure upon compression to 25 GPa. Electron Configuration [Rn] 5f9  7s2 Element Classification Berkelium is a member of the actinide element group or transuranium element series. Berkelium Name Origin Berkelium is pronounced as  BURK-lee-em. The element is named after Berkeley, California, where it was discovered. The element californium is also named for this lab. Density 13.25 g/cc Appearance Berkelium has a traditional shiny, metallic appearance. It is a soft, radioactive solid at room temperature. Melting Point The melting point of berkelium metal is  986  Ã‚ °C. This value is below that of neighbor element curium  (1340  Ã‚ °C), but higher than that of californium  (900  Ã‚ °C). Isotopes All of the isotopes of berkelium are radioactive. Berkelium-243 was the first isotope to be produced. The most stable isotope is berkelium-247, which has a half-life of 1380 years, eventually decaying into americium-243 via alpha decay. About 20 isotopes of berkelium are known. Pauling Negativity Number 1.3 First Ionizing Energy The first ionizing energy is predicted to be about 600 kJ/mol. Oxidation States The most common oxidation states of berkelium are 4 and 3. Berkelium Compounds Berkelium chloride (BkCl3) was the first Bk compound produced in sufficient quantity to be visible. The compound was synthesized in 1962 and weighed approximately 3 billionths of a gram. Other compounds which have been produced and studied using x-ray diffraction include berkelium oxychloride, berkelium fluoride (BkF3), berkelium dioxide (BkO2), and berkelium trioxide (BkO3). Berkelium Uses Since so little berkelium has ever been produced, there are no known uses of the element at this time aside from scientific research. Most of this research goes toward synthesis of heavier elements. A 22-milligram sample of berkelium was synthesized at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and was used to make element 117 for the first time, by bombarding the berkelium-249 with calcium-48 ions at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Russia. The element does not occur naturally, so additional samples must be produced in a lab. Since 1967, just over 1 gram of berkelium has been produced, in total! Berkelium Toxicity The toxicity of berkelium has not been well-studied, but its safe to assume it presents a health hazard if ingested or inhaled, due to its radioactivity. Berkelium-249 emits low-energy electrons and is reasonably safe to handle. It decays in alpha-emitting californium-249, which remains relatively safe for handling, but does result in free-radical production and self-heating of the sample. Berkelium Fast Facts Element Name: BerkeliumElement Symbol: BkAtomic Number: 97Appearance: Silvery metalElement Category: ActinideDiscovery: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (1949) Sources Emsley, John (2011). Natures Building Blocks: An A-Z Guide to the Elements. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-960563-7.Peterson, J. R.; Fahey, J. A.; Baybarz, R. D. (1971). The crystal structures and lattice parameters of berkelium metal. J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 33 (10): 3345–51. doi:10.1016/0022-1902(71)80656-5Thompson, S.; Ghiorso, A.; Seaborg, G. (1950). The New Element Berkelium (Atomic Number 97). Physical Review. 80 (5): 781. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.80.781Thompson, Stanley G.; Seaborg, Glenn T. (1950). Chemical Properties of Berkelium. OSTI Technical Report doi:10.2172/932812

Monday, October 21, 2019

Movements that had an impact on colonial Americas dev. essays

Movements that had an impact on colonial America's dev. essays There were several movements that had an impact on colonial America. Some of these movements were the Mayflower Compact, mercantilism, the enslavement of Africans, and the first Great Awakening. Each of these movements had a great impact on the development of colonial America, and helped to create what America is today. The Mayflower Compact was a document signed by 41 male passengers on the Mayflower before landing at Plymouth. Concerned that some members might leave to form their own colonies, William Bradford and others drafted the compact to bind the group into a political body and pledge members to abide by any laws that would be established. The document adapted a church covenant to a civil situation and was the basis of the colonys government. The settlers elected a governor and at first made all decisions for the colony at town meetings. Before the Mayflower Compact was drafted, the Pilgrims suffered problems with disease, neighboring Indians, and an unfamiliar climate. Under the leadership of William Bradford and William Brewster, the colony slowly recovered from the losses of the first year and by 1630 had a population of about 400 people. Within a few years, the colony had reached, and passed, 1,000 inhabitants. This compact was the first attempt at self-governing by the colonists. They were not ordered by the King to create this; they did it of their own accord in order to survive. This compact served as an example for other colonies, and they soon created their own governments as well. This trend of self-governing led to a greater independence of the colonies from the motherland, and it ultimately led to the American Revolution. Mercantilism also had a great impact on colonial America. England, France, Holland, and Spain all restricted their colonies foreign trade. Subsidies and other assistance was employed to encourage the colonies to produce raw materials, while their right to pro...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Prepare for Pre-Med in High School

How to Prepare for Pre-Med in High School SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you a high school student with dreams of studying pre-med in college and becoming a doctor? Maybe you’ve heard how difficult it can be to get into med school and are trying to plan ahead in order to raise your chances of acceptance? Well, you’ve come to the right place! This guide will go over everything you can do in high school to make yourself more prepared to begin a pre-med program in college. I’ll go over the classes you should be taking, the extracurriculars you should be participating in, and what you need to be thinking about as a high school student. Feature Image Source: Flickr/ Ilmicrofono oggiono The Importance of Having a Game Plan Preparing for pre-med also means looking ahead to med school as well. In high school, you should be setting yourself up to succeed as a pre-med college student so that you can present your strongest application to med schools down the line. You likely know that, unless you’re applying for a BS/MD or BA/MD program, you don’t start med school until after you graduate college, when you’re about 22 years old. That’s years away! Why do you need to be thinking about med school now? The reason is that getting accepted into med school is notoriously competitive, and med schools will be looking for candidates with an obvious commitment to medicine. Think about it: if you needed to have an operation or a broken bone set or an illness diagnosed, you’d want someone who really cared about medicine, learned all they could about the subject, and were dedicated to their work, right? Not someone who became a doctor because they couldn’t think of a better job. Similarly, med schools also want to accept people who are passionate about medicine. So, while it’s not required to start planning for med school while in high school, starting pre-med off on the right foot and being able to show med schools that your interest in and commitment to medicine was obvious even back in high school will go a long way in showing them that this is a career you’re genuinely interested in and excited about. You want to be well prepared for pre-med by the time you start college and have already begun to gain the knowledge and skills necessary for being a great doctor. In the following sections, I’ll go over exactly how to do this! Skills and Knowledge You Need to Prepare for Pre-Med Again, being a great pre-med student means that, when the time comes to apply, you’ll be impressive to med schools and able to show them that you’re an ideal candidate. So, in high school, you’ll want to be thinking about how to be both a strong med school candidate as well as a strong pre-med candidate. What exactly do med schools look for in applicants? The best way to figure this out is to look directly at what med schools are saying. Here’s a sample of what three med schools are looking for in candidates. Their responses are similar to the majority of med schools across the country. NYU School of Medicine states that they take into account "excellence in coursework at the college level; capabilities as judged by college instructors and premedical committees; the results of the Medical College Admissions Test; and the results of an interview at the School." Additionally, they recommend courses in English, Biology, Chemistry (organic and inorganic), Physics, Biochemistry, and Genetics. The University of Michigan Medical School "holistically evaluates candidates for admission across a range of attributes necessary for successful development into a compassionate, skilled physician serving the needs of a diverse and changing population. These attributes include: Academic excellence Altruism Written and verbal communication Desire to learn Integrity and ethics Leadership Reliability and dependability Resilience and adaptability Social/interpersonal skills and teamwork" Stanford University School of Medicine states that, "Desirable candidates for admissions are academically ready to succeed in our curriculum, have life experiences that will enrich our learning environment, and have personal qualities that will serve them, their colleagues and their patients well in their professional lives." Now, obviously, some of those things, like MCAT scores and extensive college coursework you can’t really complete as a high school student. However, there’s still a lot you can start working on. As a high school student preparing for pre-med and eventually med school, you will want to focus primarily on three things: Preparing yourself for college classes Gaining experience relevant to med school Demonstrating personal qualities desirable in med school students and doctors Working on each of these three areas in high school will make it easier for you to succeed in college and impress med school admissions committees when it comes time to apply. Read on to learn how to accomplish each of these things! Using Your Classes to Prepare for Pre-Med Med schools won’t look at your high school grades when they review your application (although some allow AP credits earned in high school to cover certain entrance requirements), but colleges definitely will, so you shouldn’t slack off in high school. Doing well in your high school classes is important because, not only will it help you get accepted to your top colleges and their pre-med programs, it will also help give you the discipline and knowledge necessary to do well in college, when your grades really do matter for med school. If you have a pattern of getting high grades in high school, that will make it much easier to get high grades in college! Let’s look more specifically at the areas you should be focusing on. Science Classes In pre-med and med school, you’ll definitely be taking a lot of science classes, so it’s important to have a strong foundation in this subject by the time you enter college. Doing so will likely allow you to take more advanced science classes in college and get higher grades since you’re starting with solid background knowledge. If your school offers them, taking AP Biology and/or AP Chemistry are two of the best classes you can take to help you be prepared, since you’ll be taking multiple biology and chemistry classes in college. AP Physics is also useful since pretty much all med schools have a physics requirement as well. The MCAT also has numerous questions in each of these three subjects, so getting a firm foundation on them early on will help you when it comes time to study for that exam in college. Keep your notes from these classes, as well as any finals or comprehensive exams you took in them. They may come in handy later on if you need to quickly review basic information on a subject. Also, pay particular attention during labs. It can be tempting to zone out and let your lab partners take over every now and then, but lab work is something you’ll be doing throughout college and med school (and sometimes beyond), so it’s critical that you understand how to set up, run, and analyze an experiment. Additionally, the MCAT has a question type, called Research Design, that specifically tests your knowledge of research projects. If you have room in your schedule for science electives, see if your school offers any classes in biochemistry, human physiology, or a related class. Math Classes In addition to science, math is the other subject you should be focusing on in high school if you want to be pre-med. Like science, take advanced math classes, and the higher the level (i.e. AP Calculus BC over AB), the better. You’ll be taking multiple math classes as a pre-med, and, as your science classes become more advanced, they’ll begin to incorporate more higher-level math as well. Pre-med students often have rigorous course schedules, so you don’t want to fall behind or get overwhelmed because your math skills aren’t where they should be. The best classes to take to be prepared are pre-calculus and calculus, but if those aren’t offered, or you have extra room in your schedule, a statistics class will also be useful to take since statistics is used in many areas of medicine. In your math classes, pay particular attention to how to analyze graphs and data tables, since these topics will be specifically tested on the MCAT in its Graphical Analysis and Data questions, and you will often be asked to interpret visual data like these in your future classes. Taking challenging math classes can help prepare you for college pre-med classes and beyond. Other Subjects Even though math and science are the two most important subjects to focus on to prepare yourself for pre-med, you shouldn’t let your other classes suffer. Aim for solid, if not spectacular, grades across the board in your other subjects. In particular, you should also work to do well in your English classes. Strong writing and communication skills are important for both college and med school, and many med schools have an English requirement for their applicants. So, doing well in your high school English classes can only benefit you down the road. You may also want to consider social science classes in psychology and/or sociology. The MCAT has multiple questions on both of these subjects, and they can help you understand different areas of medicine better, even if you don’t specialize in psychology. This is because understanding why people behave the way they do and make the choices they do will help all doctors who work with patients and need to be understanding and supportive. Being an Exceptional Student For all of your courses, particularly your math and science classes, make sure you talk to your teacher if there is a concept you are struggling with. High school classes are usually much smaller than college classes, and you can use that additional one-on-one time to ask for help and clarification. This can be much more difficult to do in college because courses generally move at a faster pace, teachers are working with more students, and you’re often expected to come in with sufficient background knowledge. In order to do your best in your college classes, you want to minimize all the content gaps you have. So, if you don’t understand a particular chemistry lab or are baffled by your calculus homework, speak up! It’ll help you be more successful when you’re a pre-med student. Additionally, in your classes you should work to be a model student, not just through your grades but through the way you act as well. Make an effort to always complete work on time, encourage cooperation and teamwork when working in a group, and offer help when a teacher or classmate needs it. Most colleges require you to submit letters of recommendation from your teachers, and if a teacher can point to an instance where you helped a classmate who was struggling with homework or got your group to work together when people were disagreeing, that will make your application stand out much more than if they could only talk about your grades. Acting in a responsible, mature, and helpful way in high school will make it an easy pattern to follow by the time you start pre-med. Having strong letters of recommendation will help you get into your top pre-med schools of choice and will help you know what to expect when you need letters of rec for med school. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Using Your Extracurriculars to Prepare for Med School Your extracurriculars are also an important way to prepare for pre-med in college. Getting involved in extracurriculars that relate to medicine, or even just working directly with people, can help you decide if pre-med is really the best choice for you, and it’ll show schools that you’re serious about studying medicine. Additionally, if you do well in your extracurricular and impress your coaches or supervisors, they can help write you letters of recommendation when college admissions roll around. The best extracurricular to get involved in if you want to prepare for pre-med is volunteering at a hospital. This is because, even though you won’t be personally performing any medical work, it’ll give you the best idea of what being a doctor is like because you’ll be in a hospital, be working with patients, and be able to learn more about medicine by observing doctors and other medical professionals. As a college student, having hospital volunteering experience will give your med school applications a boost, and it will look even better if you began this work in high school. We have a complete guide to being a hospital volunteer which you should read through if you’re thinking about volunteering at a hospital. To get started, talk to your advisor or contact nearby hospitals to see if there are open volunteer positions. Other volunteer options include volunteering at a retirement home, homeless shelter, even a school. Basically any place where you interact regularly with people will help prepare you for working with patients. There are also clubs you can join that will help prepare you for pre-med, including science-related clubs like Science Olympiad or Science Fair that you can participate in. Over the summer, you may consider participating in a medical program specifically for high school students. These programs often take place at colleges or universities, and they give participants a chance to conduct research, observe doctors working, and/or learn how to conduct simple medical procedures. While they often have hefty price tags, they can be a great way to help decide if becoming a doctor is what you really want to do. Just like you are doing in your classes, strive to be a great member of whatever extracurriculars you choose to participate in. Take leadership opportunities whenever you can, whether that means gaining a leadership position in the club/activity, taking charge of a new event, or suggesting new ideas for the future. Additionally, be a team player whom people can trust to be on time, get their work done, and work well with others. Your coaches and supervisors are a great resource for letters of recommendation and, as with your classes, it’s never too early to show that you have the type of character a doctor needs and people who can attest to that. What If You Don't End Up Applying to Med School? So, what happens if things change and you decide that med school isn't for you? That's fine and actually very common. Most people who, at some point in their life, decide they want to be a doctor, end up changing their mind. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as discovering a different career that interests you more, learning you can't handle the sight of blood, or deciding that you don't want to be in school that long. Attending med school and working as a doctor requires a lot of long, hard hours, and, if you find yourself disliking the above activities or losing interest in the idea of med school, you absolutely should not become a doctor just out of fear of having wasted your time preparing for med school. Being a doctor when you love the profession is hard enough, and if you choose to become a doctor despite disliking the job, trust me, you'll be miserable. The good news is that, even if you follow all the above advice to the letter, you won't be behind your peers or at a disadvantage if you choose a completely different path than your original plan of med school. As I mention below, following the advice in this guide will help prepare you for any future major and career, perhaps with a slight math/science slant. That's because the steps you need to follow to prepare for med school - get good grades in a variety of subjects, obtain leadership experience, cultivate relationships with teachers and classmates - will serve you well in the future no matter what you end up majoring and what career you end up pursuing. Looking Ahead Now you know how preparing for pre-med in high school can help you be confident and successful when you begin college and eventually apply to med school. Taking higher-level classes, particularly in math and science, will help you be more prepared for your pre-med classes, the grades of which will be carefully scrutinized by med school admissions officers. Participating in extracurriculars related to the medical field will help you get skills you’ll use down the line and show med schools that you’re committed to being a doctor. All of that advice is useful no matter which med school you want to attend or what type of doctor you want to become. But, should you be doing more work in high school? Should you already be figuring out which med schools are your top choices and what you want your specialty to be so that you can tailor your classes and extracurriculars even more? The short answer is no. Trying to figure these things out so far ahead of time will only put added stress on you, and they won’t help you get accepted. Most pre-med students apply to over a dozen med schools, and, once you get into med school, many people don’t choose a specialty until their third year, after they've completed rotations and gotten a better sense of what different specialties are like. This means that no one is expecting you to have these things figured out as a high school student. Additionally, even if you are certain right now that you want to attend, say, John Hopkins for med school and become a pediatrician, there is a high chance that will end up changing your mind at some point in time, so trying to prepare exactly for that path can end up hindering you down the line. Instead of trying to have everything planned out, just follow the above steps which will help prepare you regardless of which med school and specialty you end up choosing. You can think about these things, but remember that you have plenty of time to keep your options open! What's Next? Curious about what classes you'll have to take in college for pre-med? Our article on the requirements for med school has you covered. Plus, check out our list of the seven books every pre-med student should read here. Wondering exactly which classes you should be taking in high school? We have guides that'll walk you through the math and science classes you should enroll in. You'll need top standardized test scores to get into the college of your choice. Read our guides, written by a perfect-scorer, on how to get a perfect score on the SAT and the ACT. Want a great extracurricular? Learn how to volunteer at a hospital and get a first-hand look at the work doctors do. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The American 2010 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The American 2010 - Essay Example In his attempts to disengage from death and to connect to the rest of the world, the filmmakers must find ways to emotionally express these changes through the way in which the production is designed. Plot Summary and Critic’s Reviews There is a unique twist in the plot of The American, the story not following the normal hit man thriller formulation that one might expect. Clooney plays a man who is good at his craft, making unique weapons that are used for creative assassinations. This is not done with some type of fantastical or over the top, â€Å"Q† from James Bond sort of way, but with a sense of realism. The brooding nature of the film helps to frame this profession, the seriousness of the ‘business’ of death relevant to the structure of the story. Clooney’s character, Jack, wants to be at the end of his career, the most recent event of an ambush bringing his attention to the fact that he was lucky to have survived the many close calls in his li fe. When he goes to Italy and to the town in which he is to make his last weapon, he begins to reach out, but almost imperceptibly, to the others. The priest and the prostitute provide a contrast of moral natures, each providing a part of the human contact that he has been without for most of his life. Film critic Rebecca Murray sees Jack’s relationships with the priest and the prostitute as cold and unresponsive. While both characters seem to be fascinated by Jack, he gives them very little in return, their investment in his attention far greater than his in theirs. Murray describes the film as being vacant, without much action or dialogue, thus leaving the film viewer as empty as Jack in the way in which they are limited in engaging with the film. She says â€Å"Even the charm and talent of Clooney can’t make Jack accessible to the audience as he’s trying to stay alive†. The American was not a critical success with average film viewers. According to Mur ray, â€Å"The American doesn’t capitalize on its uniqueness, taking leaps in storytelling and using far too many coincidental events to move things forward†. The problem with the film is created through the conflict of having an unsympathetic, emotionally crippled character and trying to evoke sympathy and emotional connectivity from the audience. It can be accomplished, but it is a tough project for a director to do it with success. According to Clabough, Clooney’s character establishes earlier on in the film that he is not a good guy, thus disconnecting the audience from their sympathy with him. Clabough states â€Å"Jack has loyalties to no one but himself, a malevolent character trait exemplified early in the film when Jack must kill the woman with whom he just made love to protect his own identity, though he is ridden with guilt that often materializes in nightmares†. Unfortunately, he never really turns that corner to reconnect or create a sympathe tic reaction from the way in which the story unfolds after his unsympathetic nature is revealed. Clabough sees no point to the character of the priest, his appearances only seeming to provide an opportunity for dialogue. The critic feels that this is one more opportunity for Hollywood to attack Christianity through revealing that the priest has a child out of wedlock, thus should not have put himself up as one to judge Jack about

Friday, October 18, 2019

Genetic Modified Foods (Cons) Speech or Presentation

Genetic Modified Foods (Cons) - Speech or Presentation Example Many of the disadvantages associated with the GM foods are realized in environmental, medical and economic respects. The speech will seek to address the disadvantages of GM foods in a manner that would be appropriate to my three sets of audiences. It should be realized that these three sets of audiences have their own sets of reservations with respect to GM foods, and this forms the basis of their antipathy (McHughen, 2009). Environmentalists are normally concerned with the preservation of the flora and fauna across the world and greatly opposing any human activity that interferes with the functioning of the natural world. In this case, nature should be left to take its own course without destroying it. Environmentalists have associated GM foods with cases of mortality realized in certain organisms. One study revealed that butterfly caterpillars were highly susceptible to pollen from certain types of GM foods. It is said that the modified crops produced several kinds of toxins which greatly affect organisms in contact with them. In this case, my speech on the disadvantages of GM foods to the environmentalists will basically focus on the use of facts and evidence to bring out the effects of GM crops on the organisms such as plants and insects (Ruse & Castle, 2002). The focus of genetical engineering is to transfer genes from one crop to another. However, it is often realized that certain crops which were not really targeted by the gene transfer are also affected in the process. As such, the natural environment is affected as crops gain certain characteristics which are not really intended. In several areas where genetically modified crops are grown, several farmers always complain that their crops are cross-pollinated by the genetically modified crops. In the end, the genes are spread from one crop to another, which might eventually affect the characteristics of the natural crops. The speech to the environmentalists will, therefore, focus on many examples of the effects of GM foods on the natural habitat (Smith, 2007). To the health experts, the focus is the effect of the GM foods on the health of the human beings who consume it. In this regard, much research has been conducted in order to determine the health effects of GM foods. Much of this research has led to several realizations while there is still much to be uncovered. In any case, it should be realized that some of the health effects of GM foods might not be evident in the short run. It has been confirmed that many children across the developed world have at one time developed risky allergy conditions after consuming certain types of peanuts and other foods produced through genetical means (Wendy, 2005). This is a result of the genetical process in which the introduction of a new gene in the crops leads to the formation of a new allergen which causes reactions in the humans (Smith, 2007). The GM foods are generally associated with different types of allergies most of which are life threatening. My speech to the health experts would, therefore, revolve around the health issues of GM foods and provide classic cases of how these foods have caused great challenges in this respect. Apart from the known effects, there is still much information to be discovered on the effects of GM foods on human health. In this case, it is safer to avoid using such foods until much of the information has been obtained and

Discussion Board Post Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 12

Discussion Board Post Response - Essay Example In my organization, nurses are able to get feedback on the quality of their services from their patients as well as from the general public through a facebook page created by the organization and also through twitter. This has greatly improved provision of services in my organization as weak points are easily identified and appropriate strategies implemented. I agree with your implication Hope Barham that the situation in your case scenario can be addressed through the nurse manager providing scheduling examples previously made and that have been a success and openly discussing them. In my opinion, social sites could play a vital role in improving the staff morale in your case scenario. Hader (2009) posits that social sites within a department can be used to "Share information, dialogue, and receive feedback and input from others" (p. 6). Therefore, you could allow the nurses to give their input through social sites and then incorporate their opinions and views in creating the schedules. Engaging the nurses in creating their schedules will enable them feel that their input is valued and hence feel motivated. Bestowing a schedule to employees that they have not been involved in creating is likely to be met with

Purposes of studying hospitality at Johnson & Wales University Essay

Purposes of studying hospitality at Johnson & Wales University - Essay Example This paper will discuss the importance of studying hospitality at Johnson Wales University for applying master’s degree. Before applying for a master’s degree, it is a must that one has to go through their undergraduate studies successfully. This means that one has to complete all the years required for a course, and pass with honors before applying for master’. Johnson & Wales University has a Hospitality college known for its outstanding performance, and quality programs (american-school-search 1). This implies that if one gets the chance of studying here it creates a solid basis for one to start the course and continue with it or even specialize in it in the future. The purpose of studying hospitality at this university for applying masters is that it creates a strong ground for the basics one needs in the course. One gets the opportunity to be exposed to the finest lecturers and materials for study. Another purpose of studying hospitality at Johnson & Wales University, for applying master’s degree is that the school arranges internships for the students, the internship are not limited to the country, but a student can take international internship. Through this, the students get the chance to practice the skills learned and gain more experience through working with people who have gained more experience in the field (american-school-search 1). Through the providence of internships outside the country, the students get a chance to study and meet their colleagues and learn new thing. Through the internships when it come to applying for master’s the student is conversant with the outside world and what to expect when he decides to go ahead with the course at the masters lave. It prepares the student for the future challenges. Its mission provides another purpose for studying hospitality at the University for applying master’s degree. Their mission is to empower students and ensure that they

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Neoliberalism, growth and Accumulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Neoliberalism, growth and Accumulation - Essay Example On the other hand, Japan went through a period of economic stagnation resulting from declining land prices while the unification of Germany also contributed to the slow economic growth in Europe. Essentially, all these observations imply that after the neoliberal changes that occurred from the perspective of the state and economy, the macroeconomic variables including inflation, interest and unemployment rates and aggregate outputs were affected (Glyn, 2006). In view of this, this paper will examine to what extent the macroeconomic variables of the neoliberal era are the result of neoliberal changes to the state and economy. By the 1970s, neoliberalism was increasingly becoming the prominent governance form in many economies of the world with its political ideals of liberating markets from governmental influences and interferences (Kotz, 2002). Seen as another way of looking at finance-led capitalism, neoliberalism was adopted in the place of capitalism after 1978. Neoliberalism came into being as a theory of political-economic practices founded on the notion that the well-being of humans will be guaranteed when individual entrepreneurial skills and freedoms are liberated in institutional frameworks with private property rights and free markets (Harvey, 2005). It follows, therefore, that neoliberal ideas and changes altered the way states operated and heavily promoted market-based economies that valued competition and efficiency highly. According to Campbell (2005), it was the exit of the state from its role in managing capital that led to the success of free markets and led to exceptional growth especi ally in the US. Therefore, financial liberalization led to growth in aspects such as consumption, investment in private business, financial internalization, land prices and technological productivity (Glyn, 2006). However, it is imperative to note that such growth and stability was mainly in the US because globally, the economy was facing

Business Simulation in Motor Industry Research Paper

Business Simulation in Motor Industry - Research Paper Example The first model caters to the market segment - City Size and Under 25 age group. The car is 3/5 Door Hatch Type with a 4 Cylinder Engine. It has an option of Superior Sound System/iPod. Buyers under 25 yrs of age are mostly single individuals with low to average income. They normally use the car as basic transportation for everyday activities. The second model caters to the market segment - Medium Size and 25 to 40 age group. The car is a 2/4 Door Saloon/Estate Type with a Large 6-8 Cylinder Engine. It has several options such as Multi Location Airbags, Dual Fuel Operation, 6-Speed Gearbox, Speed Limiter, Electronic Stability Control, and Safety Package. Buyers in this age group are mostly average income individuals who have high preference in comfort, speed, style and safety. As a new entrant to the motor industry, the corporate strategy of the company is cost leadership. The car models will be positioned in the market as low priced in order to effectively penetrate the customer base. The goal of the pricing strategy is to create a company's share in the total market. The first model will be priced at 11,007.08 while the second model will be priced at 18,216.85. However, even at a low price, the company forecasts an 18% gross profit margin. At the first year of production, the company will be manufacturing in one factory. It will be producing 50,000 units of each model. The factory will be employing at full capacity of 4,000 workers. The average wage offered to each employee would be 400, which is higher than the minimum wage per week in the industry. In order to increase productivity, the company will initially invest in 20 units of automation. Forecast Production and Sales Model 1 Model 2 Total Model cost per car [Mm] 7,200.00 9,385.00 Design cost per car [Md] 888.00 1,553.50 Options cost per car(1) [Mo] 450.00 3,486.50 Material cost per car [M=Mm+Md+Mo] 8,538.00 14,425.00 Productivity (cars/worker/year) [Pr] 41 39 Workers per car [Wk = 1 / Pr] 0.024 0,026 Weekly wage [W] 400.00 400.00 Labour cost per car [L = Wk*W*50] 487.80 512.82 Total cost per car [C = L + M] 9,025.80 14,937.80 Selling price [P] 11,007.08 18.216.85 Gross Margin % [= 100*(P - C)/P] 18% 18% Forecast Sales (units) [S] 50,000 50,000 100,000 Total Sales Income m [= S*P] 550.35 910.84 1,461.19 Forecast production (units) [N] 50,000 50,000 100,000 Total Material Cost m [= M*N] 426.90 721.25 1,148.15 Total Labour Cost m [= L*N] 24.39 25.64 50.03 Profit Forecast ( million) Income Costs Total Sales Income 1,461.19 Total Material Cost 1,148.15 Total Labour Cost 50.03 Gross Profit 263.01 Fixed Overhead(2) 124.11 Promotion 40.00 Depreciation(2) 66.00 Operating Profit 32.90 Net Interest Payment 14.00 Pre-tax profit 18.90 Tax (30%) 5.67 Post-tax profit 13.23 Cash Flow Forecast ( million) Cash In Cash Out Opening Bank Balance 500.00 Total Sales Income 1,461.19 Total Material Cost 1,148.15 Total Labour Cost 50.03 Fixed Overhead(2) 124.11 Promotion Cost 40.00 Factory Cost 650.00 Automation Expenditure 10.00 Tax Payment 5.67 Balance before Loan (66.77) New Loan 200.00 Closing Bank Balance 133.23 NX0441 Business Game Decision Form Semester 1 2009/10 Seminar Group . Team Number .

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Neoliberalism, growth and Accumulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Neoliberalism, growth and Accumulation - Essay Example On the other hand, Japan went through a period of economic stagnation resulting from declining land prices while the unification of Germany also contributed to the slow economic growth in Europe. Essentially, all these observations imply that after the neoliberal changes that occurred from the perspective of the state and economy, the macroeconomic variables including inflation, interest and unemployment rates and aggregate outputs were affected (Glyn, 2006). In view of this, this paper will examine to what extent the macroeconomic variables of the neoliberal era are the result of neoliberal changes to the state and economy. By the 1970s, neoliberalism was increasingly becoming the prominent governance form in many economies of the world with its political ideals of liberating markets from governmental influences and interferences (Kotz, 2002). Seen as another way of looking at finance-led capitalism, neoliberalism was adopted in the place of capitalism after 1978. Neoliberalism came into being as a theory of political-economic practices founded on the notion that the well-being of humans will be guaranteed when individual entrepreneurial skills and freedoms are liberated in institutional frameworks with private property rights and free markets (Harvey, 2005). It follows, therefore, that neoliberal ideas and changes altered the way states operated and heavily promoted market-based economies that valued competition and efficiency highly. According to Campbell (2005), it was the exit of the state from its role in managing capital that led to the success of free markets and led to exceptional growth especi ally in the US. Therefore, financial liberalization led to growth in aspects such as consumption, investment in private business, financial internalization, land prices and technological productivity (Glyn, 2006). However, it is imperative to note that such growth and stability was mainly in the US because globally, the economy was facing

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Transcontinental railroad Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Transcontinental railroad - Term Paper Example Such policies are implemented by regulatory authorities through budgets and other rules and regulations. However, there are some factors that affect the economy on the very basic level. One of those factors is infrastructure of a country. Infrastructure of a country can play an important role in the strengthening of the economy of a country. This paper analyses one such example of the effects of infrastructure on the economy. The example is that of the First Transcontinental Railroad. This railroad is said to be the first communication revolution of America. The railroad reduced the time of travel between east and west costs from six months to one week and it was indeed a huge achievement. This paper examines the problems faced by the entities engaged in the construction of the railroad and the effects of the railroad on the economy of the country (Heintz, 2009). Infrastructure can enhance the growth of the economy of a country at a very fast pace, specifically in case of developing countries. Developing companies usually have weak economic environment because of lack of sufficient infrastructure. Infrastructure can boost trade in a country which results in accelerated economic activities in the country. This scenario can best be explained with the example of the First Transcontinental Railroad that was constructed between the years 1863 and 1869 in the United States of America. The railroad was built by the Central Pacific Railroad of California and Union Pacific Railroad. These two entities were chartered by the Pacific Railway Act, 1862. This railroad connected the already developed railway network of the Eastern cost with California that was in its developing stages. The railroad was completed in May, 1869 when it changed the economic scenario of the American West for good. The railroad initiated a new series of trade and communication that triggered the economic growth in the USA. Planning for Construction of the Transcontinental Railroad In the year 1862, it was determined that the companies that would carry out the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad would be Central Pacific Railroad and Union Pacific Railroad. The companies started construction from their respective points. Central Pacific started building the railroad eastward from Sacramento, California and Union Pacific started building the railroad westward from Council Bluffs, Iowa. Although the companies had been assigned the task and they had started constructing the railroad, the point where both the railroads would meet was not determined. There were a number of problems that hindered the construction of the railroad resulting from the lack of adequate planning. The construction also slowed down due to the Civil War between the years 1861 and 1865. This factor also added to the problems already present due to the lack of planning. However, a point in the Mormon territory of Utah was determined to the Promontory Point where the railroads being constructed by the two companies would meet. The construction completed on 10 May, 1869 when the two railroads met at the Promontory Point. Problems Faced in Construction A railroad connecting the east and west cost of the USA had always been a dream but it was shaped into reality by the President Abraham Lincoln. However, the railroad was completed after four years of his death. The construction of the railroad was not independent of any problems. There were a num

Monday, October 14, 2019

Hygiene and Cleaning in Food Manufacturing

Hygiene and Cleaning in Food Manufacturing Karl Chamberlain Quality, Hygiene and Environmental Systems Contents Introduction Define the content of quality management systems and critically evaluate the business benefits of such systems What are the benefits to a food producing business of adhering to such a quality management system? The systems, procedures and records utilised by a company to control the quality of a food product The systems, procedures and records utilised by a company to control the safety of a food product The systems, procedures and records utilised by a company to control the legality of a food product Reference list The importance of cleaning programmes within food production areas in the meat industry It is vital to the success of any food manufacturing business to ensure that effective cleaning programmes are in place and are followed. The main purpose of cleaning within a manufacturing environment is to prevent any physical, chemical or microbiological contamination happening to the end product. Cleaning programmes are used to ensure that all areas of the factory and pieces of machinery are cleaned correctly and to a pre-determined frequency. Within the meat industry adequate cleaning is especially important as often raw and cooked meats will be cooked and used on the same site so contamination from raw product to cooked is a high possibility if equipment has not been cleaned properly. If cleaning programs are not in place or are not followed there could be heavy consequences for the manufacturer. Firstly this could lead to a food poisoning outbreak due to microbiological contamination. It could also lead to increased customer complaint due to physical or chemical contamination. Both of these could cause a product withdrawal which will have huge cost implications for the business. Product withdrawals and customer complaints could also lead to losing business, both from end users and from retailers. Losing business could potentially lead to the closure of the business. Hygiene Cleaning Procedure How an Environmental Management System can assist a food manufacturing business in meeting legislative requirements and reducing impacts on the environment Environmental management systems have been in the use for around twenty years and over this time schemes and standards have been created for such systems to follow. One such standard is the ISO 14001 standard, which was first created in 1996 . While the use of an environmental management system is voluntarily, increasingly retailers are requesting that there suppliers have a system in place and that this system is accredited by an external company. An environmental management system (EMS) should be used to manage a food manufacturing business’s environmental impact. This can include managing the company’s waste levels, material usage, emissions and energy usage and transport implications. There are numerous pieces of environmental legislation which a food manufacturer may need to adhere to. This can include legislation on air, water, energy, waste and chemicals. An EMS can be used to assist the food business in meeting these requirements as well as helping to reduce any impacts on the environment. Before an environmental management system can be set up firstly the management must pledge their commitment and an environmental policy should be created. This document should include the intentions of the company regarding environmental issues such as complying with environmental legislation and continuous improvement of environmental systems. Next an environmental review should be carried out, looking at all of the environmental issues that the company has. This will allow the company to find the strenghts and weaknesses of the organisations current operations. The next step is to to plan the environmental mangement system. All environemental issues affecting the company should have been identified previously and this will provide the starting points for the organisation. Environmntal regulations and legislation should be considered and planned to be built into the system. The organisation should also set targets for each part of the system and prograammes and system should be put into place to achieve these targets. Once the enivornmental management system is planned it should be implemented within the business. All staff members within the business should be briefed about the implmenetation of the system and howit will involve them. Responsibilies should be assignemned and training giveen to people who will be directly invloved with the system. Any environmental aspects covered by the system should be integrated into daily procedures within thhe company. The organisation should ensure that they have operational control over any processes which are known to have environmental issues. Contingency plans should be set up in the event that any part of the system fails or an accident happenes such as a chemical spillage and responsible people should be aware of these plans and know what to do should an issue occur. Once the environmental management system is fully implemented external accreditation should be sought. This will give the manufacturers customers confidence in their environmental system and will also help to identify any short comings in the system. The environmental system and the arges set for it shold be measured to ensure that these are being met. The system should also be regualrly audited against and any non conformances should be indetified, reported and rectified. Having an environemtal system allows the manufacturer to identify environmental issues and legislaion that must be met and provides policies and proceures which give guidance on exaactly how this should be done. An environmental system is also a good way to demonstrate compliance to legislation as it shows that an organisation has really commited to reducing its environmental impact and adhering to all relevant legislation. Conclusion Hygiene, cleaning and the procedures and programmes associated with this are a necessity to any food manufacturing company. There are a number of potential penalties and problems that can be caused by not having proper hygiene procedures in place and could ultimately lead to the manufacturer losing business or being shut down by environmental health. The importance of environmental polices and system are also vital for the success of a food manufacturing business however during the recession environmental issues and impacts seem to have taken a back seat to increasing efficiencies and cutting costs however as the economy begins to recover environmental issue may begin to be a major focus for food manufactures again. Reference List Buchanan, G. (1999). Cleaning, Sanitizing Pest Control in Food Processing [Online] Available from: http://seafood.oregonstate.edu/.pdf%20Links/Cleaning,%20Sanitizing,%20and%20Pest%20Control%20in%20Food%20Processing,%20Storage,%20and%20Service%20Areas.pdf Last accessed: 01/04/2014 Cook Safe. (2012). Food Safety Assurance System [Online] Available from: https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=trct=jq=esrc=ssource=webcd=1cad=rjauact=8ved=0CDEQFjAAurl=http%3A%2F%2Fmultimedia.food.gov.uk%2Fmultimedia%2Fpdfs%2Fcshrcleaning.pdfei=wexCU8u6I8nF7Aa18YG4CQusg=AFQjCNFZkCnzwokgHYqHLoev91PjjRm-0wsig2=kIZZraCA5clxeMG4OYQoXAbvm=bv.64125504,d.ZGU Last accessed: 04/04/2014 Hugh Crane Cleaning Equipment (HCCE). (2013). Product Information Sheet: Powerfoam VF4 [Online] Available from: htttp://www. hughcrane.co.uk/media/product/data-sheets/03HC2535.pdf‎ Last accessed: 03/04/2014 Johnson DIversey. (2004). Johnson Diversey Quadet Clear [Online] Available from: www.dbm-ltd.co.uk/hygiene/products//open/quatdet_clear_PIS.pdf‎ Last accessed: 04/04/2014 National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI). (2003) ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard; Detailed guide [Online] Available from: http://www.nsai.ie/NSAI/files/6b/6b1d7f65-35c5-4b1e-a8e6-5431982da140.pdf Last accessed: 04/04/2014 Nothern Ireland Environemnt Agency (NIEA). (2009). Measuring the effectiveness of Environemntal Management Systems [Online] Available from: https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=trct=jq=esrc=ssource=webcd=1cad=rjauact=8ved=0CC8QFjAAurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.doeni.gov.uk%2Fniea%2Fmeasuring_the_effectiveness_of_ems_phase_1-2.pdfei=T-tCU6fOOMeg7AbHtICAAgusg=AFQjCNGV95A7BvrcGD51TjkMstp9CUrWNwsig2=EnF7STqNfbgVQbzOsXZpjgbvm=bv.64125504,d.ZGU Last accessed : 04/04/2014 Strum, A. (1997). ISO 14001 Implementing an Environmental Management System [Online] Avalable from: https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=trct=jq=esrc=ssource=webcd=1cad=rjauact=8ved=0CDwQFjAAurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ellipson.com%2Ffiles%2Febooks%2FISO14000.pdfei=eeVCU9WwOLPH7AamhYCgAwusg=AFQjCNE3xtTbKc8rCpwvzDXjyGN7pQL5-Qsig2=dgGtS7XJH5Z_2kfbg4wTywbvm=bv.64125504,d.ZGU Last accessed: 01/04/2014

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Forgotten War Crimes :: essays research papers

Forgotten War Crimes "The holocaust was such an unthinkable horror, the Nazi dictatorship so uniquely evil, that the calculated firebombing of more than half a Milan defenseless civilians in the dying days of the war had just fallen by the wayside."1 History is defined as all recorded events of the past, but with textbooks, historical journals, and other respected documentaries all denying, or refusing to acknowledge and give responsibility, the ruthless and criminal bombing of Dresden does not change the fact that it occurred. Thus history is biased by those who write it, and should not be taken as the whole truth; after all, over two hundred thousand innocent civilians lost their lives and do not deserve to be forgotten simply because America does not want to take responsibility actions and admit to what happened. This tragic event is simply swept under that carpet and neglected and termed a strategic bombing with military objectives. This bombing may have been strategic but it certainly did not have any military objectives which are stated throughout much of American history. It was, however, the strategic bombing and slaughtering of a quarter million innocent civilians. American history textbooks and documentaries state that the official objective in the bombing of Dresden was to destroy railway yards, thus delaying or preventing the deployment of German troops to the eastern front. To destroy rail-lines and rail yards, precision bombing is used. Contradicting this statement is the fact that the American planes flying over Dresden were not armed with precision bombs but instead with high explosive incendiaries used to create firestorms. What is also ironic is that after the bombing, not a single rail-line or rail yard had been disturbed. Other historical journals provided via the American government claim that Dresden contained a number of bunkers being used to house German Troops. Although Dresden did contain bunkers, they were being used to house American and British prisoners of war. By using such high explosive incendiaries and such elaborate bombing patterns, Allied bombers were successful in creating one of the most devastating firestorms claiming upwards of two hundred thousand innocent lives and utterly destroying on the most culturally historic centers in the world.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

An Interview With a Korean-American on Cultural Differences Essay examp

An Interview With a Korean-American on Cultural Differences In this interview Ben Bagley asks Theresa Han about the difference between Korean and American culture. Theresa is a teenager who recently moved to the United States so she has an excellent perspective for understanding the differences and similarities between these countries. [BAGLEY] This is Ben Bagley, and I'm going to interview Theresa Han about Korea. Could you introduce yourself? [HAN] My name is Theresa Han, I'm from South Korea, I'm 18 years old, and I'm a freshman in College. [BAGLEY] How long have you lived in America? [HAN] I think a little bit less than 3 years. [BAGLEY] Where did you live in Korea? [HAN] I lived in Pyoung Tek, It's right below Oosan, where the American Air force is located. [BAGLEY] What were the people like where you lived? [HAN] They're really busy. Fathers go to their work; Mothers if they have a job go to their work, and students go to school, so they don't have enough time to communicate with each other, like time to spend together, because mostly students come home like 10:00pm-11:00pm. [BAGLEY] What did you do with your friends? [HAN] We mostly go to each other's house, rent a movie or something, watch it, and do homework usually, because we have a whole bunch of homework. On the weekends we would go downtown; it's kind of like a shopping mall. It's a street. There are small restaurants, small cloths shops and all that stuff. It was kind of fun, but nothing special I think. [BAGLEY] What did you do in your free time? [HAN] Mostly watch TV I guess. [BAGLEY] What was Korean TV like? [HAN] Like on Japanese TV they have a whole bunch of dramas, so there are Korean dramas, there is regularly a music program, like 3 music programs on 3 different channels. I mostly watched them, like almost everyday. [BAGLEY] Was American TV available in Korea? [HAN] Yeah, there's channel 2, so I know like 'Wheel of Fortune' or whatever. And 'The Simpsons' was on channel 15, it was the educational channel, but ?The Simpsons?Ewas on it in Korean, so I sometimes watched it. [BAGLEY] And was that dubbed or with subtitles? [HAN] I think it was dubbed in Korean, because I had never heard how Homer really talks. [BAGLEY] What is Korean music like? [HAN] There are a lot of kinds of music. Like rock, like f... ...uitoes. [BAGLEY] Which country has a greater temperature difference throughout the year? [HAN] In Korea the summer is so hot, and the winter is so cold. Really cold, so they are so different. In America the temperatures stay closer together, it?s way better. [BAGLEY] Are there any other big differences between Korea and America? [HAN] I think the school system, because basically you go there, I went to school usually by 7:30am and came home 7:00pm. But some students stay longer, like even 10:00pm if you are a senior and about to go to college because there is kind of, like parents and teacher think their kids or students should go to college. Like have to go to college. They?re gonna pressure them to study a lot, so when you?re a senior you start to study a lot and you don?t sleep that much. Usually I think some people sleep 3 or 4 hours per day and just study. No free time. [BAGLEY] And they stay at school and study? [HAN] ?Till like 10:00pm but after school ends they come home and study like until 2:00am or 3:00am [BAGLEY] Would it be ok if I publish this interview on the internet? [HAN] Sure [BAGLEY] Well, Thank you very much for your time.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Mobile Phone and Samsung Galaxy Note

The word Samsung means â€Å"three stars† in Korean. Samsung is known globally for its electronic products and it is one of the successful brands in the electronic industry. It is an established company almost all around the world. While the Samsung Electronics is a South Korean multinational electronics and information technology company headquartered in Samsung Town, Seoul. It is the flag ship subsidiary of the Samsung Group. With assembly plants and sales networks in 61 countries across the world, Samsung has approximately 160, 000 employees. In1938, the Samsung's founder Byung-Chull Lee set up a trade export company in Korea, selling fish, vegetables, and fruit to China. Within a decade Samsung had flour mills and confectionary machines and became a co-operation in 1951. From 1958 onwards Samsung began to expand in too the industries such as financial, media, chemical’s and ship building. In1969, Samsung Electronics was established producing what Samsung is most famous for, Televisions, Mobile Phones (throughout90's), Radio's, Computer components and other electronics devices. In 1987, Byung-Chull Lee passed away and Kun-Hee Lee took over as chairman. In the 1990, Samsung began to expand globally building factories in the US, Britain, Germany, Thailand, Mexico, Spain and China until1997. On the other hand, Samsung has developed the ‘lightest' mobile phone of its era. Then they developed smart phones and a phone combined mp3 player towards the end of the 20th century. To this date Samsung are dedicated to the 3G industry such as making video, camera phones at a speed to keep up with consumer demand. Introduction of Product Brand Line A product line is a group of products that are related and manufactured by the same company. Product lines are not to be confused with product bundling, which combines various items into one type of product. For example, Samsung home appliances product line might include refrigerator, washing machine, air conditioner, vacuum cleaner and others. Other example, Samsung's mobile phones are divided into product lines based on the following features; touch screens, slider or folders, QWERTY keyboards and ar phones base on the product price, product quality, who the product is aimed at target group, and product specification. Product lines help to manage their products as product strategy can be designed around product lines. Samsung has offered more than one product line with the product that are all closely related. Different type of product line might toward different type of segmentation based on the customer. Samsung try to expand its business is by adding to its existing product line. This is because people are more likely to purchase products from brands with which they are already familiar and confident. Product Introduction The introduction of Samsung Galaxy Note in the year 2011 popularized the term Phablet, mainly because of its large display screen. Now, the updated version of Galaxy Note is released. The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 comes with many high end features and it runs on Android 4. 1 (Jelly Bean) OS. The phone is powered by a 1. 6 GHz quad-core processor. The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is wider than the previous version. The display screen measures 5. 5 inches and it offers visuals at a resolution of 720 x 1280 pixels. The phone weighs about 180 grams and it is 9. mm thick. The super AMOLED display screen of the phone is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 2. The phone sports an 8 MP camera for capturing images at a good resolution. Users can also record HD videos using this handset. The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 also comes with a 2 MP secondary camera. The powerful 3100 mAh battery in the handset offers ample talk time and standby time. The phone comes with 16/32/64 GB internal memory capability. This is expandable further up to 64 GB through a microSD card. The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 has multiple platforms for connecting to the internet. High speed internet is possible through 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi connectivity. The phone has Bluetooth and micro USB port for file transfer with other devices. The A-GPS feature can guide you when you are lost in an unknown city. The phone comes with a stylus stick and it offers many high end features for users. Samsung Product (Luxury Product) Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is a luxury good. A luxury good is a product that not necessary but which tend to make life more pleasant for the consumer, often more expensive and primarily purchased by people with more wealth and income. In other words, as people receive more income, they devote an increasingly larger share of income to the purchase of luxury goods. This is because Samsung Galaxy Note 2 has just concentrated on market segment that are high income. People will purchase the Samsung’s product although with a high price as their income increases. Samsung Galaxy Note 2 has a many competing brands in the market such as Nokia, Apple and HTC. These alternative brands also offer the same products but with different features. Complement and substitute Substitution effect is always negative for Samsung, that is because consumers will always switch from spending on higher-priced goods to lower-priced goods ones. For example, if they are not satisfied with the price of Samsung Galaxy note II, definitely they will seek for other products which have same function and cheaper than Samsung’s smartphone such as Sony Ericsson, Iphone5, Nokia N9. Those competitors’s product is strong enough to compete with Samsung because their products are quality and cheaper than Samsung Galaxy note II. In conclusion, those threats will definitely decrease the demand for Samsung Galaxy note II. But, the one reason which differentiates the Samsung Galaxy note II with another product is their complementary products. The complementary products which exist in Samsung Galaxy note II is a removable battery, memory expansion via a micro SD slot and a built-in stylus, The S pen, that help users work well in their handwritten note and simple drawing. Those complementary products helped in increase of the demand of Samsung Galaxy Note II. Market Structure Samsung Company had been categorized as oligopolistic market structure because they have only a few sellers such as Nokia, Apple, Sony Ericsson and HTC. Even with such small amount of firms, they manage to control all the market. Other than that, Samsung products are classified as differentiated product because they set the price on different product with different design. This market structure had high barrier to entry because it is too costly or difficult for potential rivals to enter the market. Besides that, irms that are interdependent such as Samsung and LG are mutual interdependence. A firm operating in a market with just a few competitors must predict the potential reaction of its closest rivals when making its own decisions. For example, if Samsung Company wishes to increase its market share by reducing price, they must also predict the possibility that close rivals such as Nokia and HTC, may do such action too. Furthermore, the firms under oligopoly market structure are price maker; this is because they set the price by themselves, not determine by the government. The Samsung company also do a lot of advertisments to promote their products so that the comsumers will know about their products through multimedia such as televesion, radio, newspaper and internet. Part 2 Compare the price of Samsung Galaxy Note II with Nokia N9 The price of Samsung Galaxy Note II with 1 year contract is about RM 1899 than will be higher the Nokia N9 for RM 699. The price of Samsung Galaxy Note II without contract is about RM 2299 and for Nokia is RM1199. The price gap between the Samsung Galaxy Note II and Nokia N9 will be RM 1200 with contract and RM 1100 without contract. The reason the price of Samsung Galaxy Note II will higher than Nokia N9 is the technical specifications of the phone. The product differentation would be Samsung Galaxy Note II is counting on a totally different approach across the entire Android ecosystem with diversity but for the Nokia N9 is just using the normal windows software as the processer. This cause the Samsung Note II became the world best smartphone for now and the customers will be proud and happy when using the phone. Besides that, the Samsung Galaxy Note II has a Quad-core 1. GHz Cortex-a-9 chip as the processor and with 2GB of RAM as for the Nokia N9 used 1 GHz Cortex a-8 ship as the processor with 1GB of RAM. Obvious the Samsung Galaxy Note II will react faster than the Nokia N9 because of the internal build-in. The customers now a day would prefer better and faster software even through the price will be higher but they will statifisfy with it. Other than that, will be the advertisement of Samsung Galaxy Note II and Nokia N9. The Samsung Galaxy Note II was released at 30 August 2012 that will be 1 day before Merdeka day. The Samsung Company rabs this opportunity to promote their new product by giving discount to attract more customers in the day of Merdeka. They also promote through television, internet, newspaper and as a banner at roadside. With this huge promotion, they are able to profit their sales. As for the Nokia N9 was released at 21 June 2011. At that time the Nokia company do not promote their new product rapidly and there are just several people know about the Nokia N9 and also don not notice that it was quite a useful smartphone. Because of the lack promotion of Nokia Compan y, they are not able to set the phone at higher price. Furthermore, in this modern world the Samsung Company already achieved a standard brand name compare to Nokia Company because the qualities of the products is better. The Samsung product automatically will have a greater cost of production than Nokia product. The costs of production of Samsung Galaxy Note II also higher than the Nokia N9. Because Samsung Galaxy Note II is more advance in design, body shape, internal software used and better sound system than Nokia N9. So the cost of production also will be higher. The Samsung Company is willing to produce and sell a greater quantity of Galaxy Note II because the product price is high. Samsung Company hopes that the brand new Galaxy Note II will be the greatest smartphone for the year so they put effort on it. Conclusion is that Samsung Galaxy Note II is better, faster and performance well than Nokia N9. Samsung company promote their new product but Nokia company do not and with the reason above will be why the price of Samsung Galaxy Note II will be higher than Nokia N9. Part 3 The market structure of Samsung company is oligopoly which proven by a few characteristic. The first one is a few sellers which control the most of the market. It sells differentianted and high barriers to enter the market for new firms. From the Samsung firm’s viewpoint, there are a few advantages and disadvantages of being an oligopoly. The first advantage for the firm is high barriers of entry for new firms. This is because the exclusive financial requirement to start the business which can prevent the small firm from entering the market. This can avoid the profit being shared to other new firms. The company also needs to spend money on the Research and Development (R&D) to do new products which needs large money. This is to prove that the new entrants no easily if they want to enter the market. Secondly, oligopoly encourages firms to make efforts to innovate and produce more advanced product because all the firms are crazy about winning a more competitive place in the whole market. For Samsung Company, it tries to design the phone that suit for most of the consumers with the latest technology and resources they have. For example, Samsung galaxy note II is a popular phone among the consumers because of the design, the function, and the size of screen which preferred by the consumers. This can increase the profit of the Samsung Company when the sale of phone is increasing. On the other hand, the disavantage from firm’s viewpoint is high cost spent on adverstiment and Research and Development for the product. This can increase the input cost and the firm will set higher price for the product to cover the cost. The company has to spend money to develop a new product. After developed a new product, the company has to promote the product through television, internet, newspaper and radio. This is to inform the consumers that there is a new product launched by Samsung Company. Furthermore, there are strong competitors like Apple Company, Sony Company and somemore which can compete with Samsung Company. Some of the consumers like to buy iphone and some like to buy Sony phone. Samsung have to launch new products which can give the cosumcers high satisfaction to maintain the position in the market. If other company able to produce a new phone which bring higher expactation than the consumers expact, the consumers will buy the new phone. This can reduce the buyers to buy the Samsung Company’s product. In the consumer’s viewpoint, the advantages of buying a product under oligopoly market structure is the consumers can easily make price comparison among the few companies. Consumers can compare the phone price between the phone companies such as Samsung, Nokia, Iphone, Sony and somemore. As comparison done, they will choose the phone with suitable price which equivalent to the quality of the phone. For example, the consumers will think about the features of the phone and look at the price. When the consumers are the office workers, they will prefer Samsung Galaxy Note II because the screen is bigger and there is a pen used to write things on the phone which makes the phone act like a note book. The second advantage for the consumer is the consumers can expenrience new phone with different features. Because of strong competitors between these companies, the companies have to design new phone with the features that can attract consumers to buy it. This can make the consumers have many choices of phones which have different features. However, the disadvantage of consumers buying the product under oligopoly market structure is the firm is a price maker which means the companies can determine the product by themselves. This can harm the consumers because as the company is a price maker, the company can set higher price to earn more profit. But this can make the consumers have to pay higher price. Besides, the disadvantage for consumers is the differentiated products. The consumers have to choose which one phone is better. Sometimes, it will be confusing when chosing the phone with different brand, different quality and different price. At this time, they have to think deeply before purchasing a phone because one phone is very costly. Part 4 In conclusion, the assignment is very useful to us. we find out that Samsung Company is operated under oligopoly market structure. Byung-Chull Lee has set up the Samsung Company with small business and takes over by Kun-Hee Lee after Byung-Chull Lee has passed away. The business start to expand globally at the end of 20th century. This can show that Samsung Company is slowly developed and required a large financial requirement. Under Samsung Company, it sell different types of products such as refrigerator, washing machine, air conditioner, vacuum cleaner and others. But in this assignment, we only focus on the Samsung mobile phone. In mobile phone market, there are only a few sellers such as Samsung, HTC, Apple, Nokia and Sony who control most of the market. Samsung Company is selling differentiated products which mean the phones have different in term of price, features, design, and quality. This can let consumers have different choices of chosing a phone. Samsung Company is a price maker which means the company can determine the price of the phones by themselves. Under oligopoly market structure, there is high barriers to entry for new entrants because the start-up cost requires large money to set up the company. Samsung Company also do a lot of advertisment when a new phone is launched through television, radio, internet, newspaper and the banners along the road. In my observation Based on the research done on this assignment, we find out that the concept of oligopoly can apply on he realistic life. The characteristic of a firm under oligopoly is shown as above and is applied in real life. Besides, we have come out an assumption about the price changes and the demand. If the price of the product increases, the quantity demanded for the product would decrease. Using the logical thinking of a consumer, people would definitely buy more of a certain product if the prices w ere lower. Besides that, according to the law of diminishing marginal utility, buyers would receive less satisfaction when they buy more units of a product. Hence, consumers would only buy if the prices were lowered. Another reason is because when the price increases, the buying power of consumers would decrease as they are unable to buy as many at higher prices as at lower prices. This is basically known as the income effect of a price change. Besides that, if the price of the product increases, consumers could choose and buy other substitutes available in the market. Hence, the quantity demanded would also fall. This is known as the substitution effect. As for the supply, if the price of the product increases, the greater the quantity supplied. This is because the higher prices are an incentive for the producers to produce more of a good in the form of profits. My empirical findings in this research does not fulfilled my expectations regarding economics. This is becauset the concept of price decrease and demand will increase will not very appliable in real life because there are many factors to influence the decision of consumers to buy a new phone which are brand, quality, the features, the income of the buyers, and the promotion such as free gifts and free vouchers. Better quality of phone even though with higher price, the demand of the phone still increase. Phone with many features will cost higher price. If we intend to establish a company, we will chose to enter oligopoly market. This is because the market is only a few sellers but many buyers. With the characteristic of a few sellers and many buyers, we can control most of the market and earn profit in the long run. Our company also sells differentiated products like phones which can give consumers a lot of choices to choose the phone which suit them. Our company also needs to advertise our products to stimulate the awareness of the consumers through television, radio, internet, newspaper and banners along the road. Even though oligopoly market structure has the characteristic of high barriers to entry for new entrants, we can start from a small company and slowly become a big company like Samsung Company or we can team with other people to set up one big company and divide the profit equally.Reference Oligopoly. (n.d.). In  Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved  March  12, 2013, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oligopoly About SAMSUNG – SAMSUNG. (n.d.).  Samsung US | TVs – Tablets – Smartphones – Cameras – Laptops – Refrigerators. Retrieved from http://www.samsung.com/us/aboutsamsung/ Advantages and Disadvantages of Oligopoly. (n.d.).  Buzzle. Retrieved from http://www.buzzle.com/articles/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-oligopoly.html History Of Samsung. (n.d.).  Samsung Mobile – Home. 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